The 'sweets', (Coal wrapped in brown paper) displayed in the open trolley are offered beneath a sign: 'Free Thought Sweets'.

The intention of this action was to provide a space for thoughtful verbal exchanges within public spaces in various towns and cities across England. A trolley filled with 'thought sweets' displays a sign- 'Free Thought Sweets' I sit beside the trolley on a small stool with another for potential participants. Passersby would often stop to engage with me and respond to the thought/question hand-written inside their sweet. In the absence of another I continue to make more.

A two part series of Actions involving interactive installations which travelled to malls and educational institutes in and around the city of Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

The 'sweets', (Coal wrapped in brown paper) displayed in the open trolley are offered beneath a sign: 'Free Thought Sweets'.